Curious Caterpillars 3-4 years old
Busy Butterflies 4-5 years old
Lilyfrog Preschool provides a literacy-based curriculum with hands-on activities in a classroom full of interest areas. Through play and teacher facilitation, students explore their way through a variety of learning centers.
As children are excited by their discoveries and feel their developing competence, they build the foundation and enthusiasm for future academic growth.

In all aspects of learning, we engage children’s natural curiosity, which guides our development of a stimulating curriculum.
Preschool Program at a Glance
3 - 5 years old
preschool & pre-k
2 to 5 days a week
year round
full day 8:30am-3:00pm
extended day 8:30am-5:00pm
Learn more about our preschool...
As a licensed preschool, all of Lilyfrog’s teachers are certified in Early Childhood Education and all of our classroom staff is trained in the Rhode Island Early Learning and Development Standards. These standards set the bar for curriculum in the areas of physical health and motor development, social and emotional development, language development and communication, cognitive development, literacy, mathematics, science and creativity.
Our curriculum is based upon current research about child development and how children learn best. Throughout their days, children enjoy a variety of activities, learning centers, field trips, music, art, free play and walks (weather permitting). Throughout our curriculum, children are deeply engaged, active, playful learners who are building the confidence and competence they’ll rely on in the future.